Disney Songs

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A detailed day.

Here we go, I don't think I've ever actually described a detailed day of my working week. It starts of usually by me getting up around 10-11 in the morning. Then depending on how I am feeling I will usually go and lift for an hour. I get back shower and all then decide that I am hungry. See the thing is I usually have food made for me, well now I cook everything, after I lift I usually stick to my protein so my breakfast/lunch consist of eggs and chicken. I've almost become a pro at eggs, occasionally things will get a little messy but rarely. Then I have to start thinking about what I want to eat while Im at work. So, Il either premake food or just get microwaveable food. This time its about 30 minutes before work. Next I get on the bus and head over work. I put on my costume, Disney does not have uniforms, there costumes, more on this later. My work is really quite simple but at times is gets messy. My job is basically me insuring that everyone before me has done their job. So I travel from bathroom to bathroom making sure they are clean. Its cool because I get a golf cart, but other than that its really boring. Lately, I've been the go to guy for a Code V, a code V is vomit and a number two is well a number two. I've had 5 code V's already which is quite a bit. See I was never trained on how to clean a code V up so I basically just wing it. Yes all of them are disgusting, and I can tell you everything every person has eaten. Also my latest two gross things were, a truck hit a deer so I had to clean it up. This was awful, the bambi was still alive and screaming to its mother for a solid two minutes before it died. Sorry, it was pretty traumatizing, not how I expected this aspect of my internship to go. Oh yea, I almost forgot, some kid couldn't make it to the bathroom in time so he just dropped his pants and number two'd for a solid 25 foot trail in front of 300 people. Don't ask me how this is possible, but this guy was lucky enough to get to clean it up. Works not bad its shitty, hahha no pun intended.

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